Please respond as soon as possible - English Language Support

Please respond as soon as possible - English Language Support

by Deleted user -
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English Language Support Meeting - Support for Students with English as a Second Language


The English Language Support Tutor will be visiting tomorrow (Friday 16th September) to meet you; and will run a session for all students with English as a second language who would like to access support.

This session will run from 4.45pm-5.45pm.    I will confirm the room once I’m sure of numbers.  It is likely to be the Morning Room of the Elmhirst Centre.  I will drive Ecological Design Thinking Students up after class at 4.30pm. 

I appreciate this follows a full teaching day and takes place on a Friday, however, this seems to be the perfect opportunity where all 3 Masters Programmes have availability. We apologise for the short notice.

I’d be very grateful if you could e-mail me to confirm: 

  • 1.       Your attendance tomorrow so the Tutor can prepare accordingly.

  • 2.       If you are not free to attend this session but do wish  to access support

  • 3.       If you do not wish to access English Language support during your studies at the College.

Many thanks,
