Anytime advice and mental health support helpline - 24/7 support

Anytime advice and mental health support helpline - 24/7 support

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Anytime advice and mental health support helpline - 24/7 support

Around the clock student support

  • Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
  • In-the-moment emotional and counselling support.
  • Accessible by phone, email and LiveCONNECTSM instant messaging.
  • Information and advice on a range of studying, work, family and personal issues.
  • Confidential.
  • Completely independent from the University or College

The Anytime Advice Line is staffed by a team of highly trained and qualified professionals outside of the University and College who can provide practical information, resources, information about local services, counselling and web-based support on issues including well-being to childcare, stress to debt and loneliness to time management. 

Freephone: 0800 042 0134 
Email: <u></u>

Instant messenger support: Download the iConnectYou app from iTunes or Google Play and register using the passcode: 34800

Workplace Options iConnectYou App Quick Start Guide

Workplace Options and the Anytime Advice and mental Health Support Helpline are independent from Plymouth University and Schumacher College